Source Themes

Uncertainty Modeling Enabled Meta Adaptive Control for Aerial Manipulators

Meta Adaptive Control for Aerial Manipulators.

Nonlinear MPC for Quadrotor Fault-Tolerant Control

We study the performance of using nonlinear MPC on quadrotor fail-safe problem. The result is amazing.

A Comparative Study of Nonlinear MPC and Differential-Flatness-Based Control for Quadrotor Agile Flight

We systematically compare two state-of-the-art flight controllers for quadcopter agile flights, nonlinear MPC and differential-flatness-based controller.

Model Predictive Contouring Control for Near-Time-Optimal Quadrotor Flight

This work proposes a novel control methods for quadcopter agile flights using model-predictive-contouring control.

Performance, Precision, and Payloads: Adaptive Nonlinear MPC for Quadrotors

We propose L1-MPC, an adaptive-model-predictive control framework showing impressive performance against model uncertainties and disturbances.

Upset Recovery Control for Quadrotors Subjected to a Complete Rotor Failure from Large Initial Disturbances

We introduce a flight controller that can recover a quadrotor with one rotor complete off from arbitrary initial orientations and body rates.